1. any_command -help: displays help about the basic commands of linux debian.
2. Ls: serves to display the current directory. So if we get too many open a directory, we only need to type the command "ls" which followed the name of the directory that you want to open the terminal root program. It will appear on the screen itself.
3. ls -al: the same as the command "ls" only command "ls -al" displays all active directory one by one on the screen.
4. Cd: which stands for change directory that serves to change the directory using the cd.
5. Cp: the same as the function of the Ctrl + c on Windows is to copy a file.
6. mcopy: This command is used to rename a file and also move a file.
7. rm: which stands remove files that serves to remove a file or files.
8. mkdir: function to create a new directory, kepajangan of this command is make directory.
9. rm: together with the rm command that removes files, only files rm remove a file while rm directory to delete a directory.
10. rm -r command, which stands for recursive remove that serves to delete a file, directory, or subdirectory. We need to know to be careful using this command because this command can delete all the data on the system, and in Linux there is no undelete command.
11. more: the more orders we can see the contents of a file, and the file contents can be displayed screen by screen.
12. Less filename: bergunamenampilkan a file screen by screen. If we want to stop this command just press the button "p" will stop.
13. pico filename: This command is used to edit a text file.
14. pico -w filename: the same as the command "pico filename" is editing a text file. Only in this order accompanied by mengnokatifkan word warp function. And this command is useful for editing text files such as / etc / fstab.
15. lynx file.html: This command serves notice an html file with a text mode. This command is one way to open a browser and also appropriate to search for articles without the image.
16. -zxvf tar filename.tar.gz: This command is used to extract the tar file as well mengun-compres the tar file.
17. tar -xvf filename.tar: same as "tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz" which serves to extract a tar file but there is this command is extract the tar file is decompressed.
18. gunzip filename.gz: berfun gsi intuk uncompress a zip file with gunzip menggunaka if we want to compress the file.
19. bunzip2 filename.bz2: This command is used to uncompress a large file format (* .bz2).
20. find / -name "filename": if there is a search menu in Windows to search for a file name. So in Linux there is a command find / -name "filename" to search for a file name.
21. locate: find a file based on the file name and storage location where the file is.
22. talk: a command which serves to carry out a conversation or in connection with other computers.
23. MC: This command is used to run the "midnight commander" with good and fast as a file manager.
24. telnet: useful to connect with other computers with TELNET protocol.
25. rlogin: an abbreviation of the remote login that serves to connect us with other computers.
26. rsh: stands is a remote shell which is another way to connect us to the remote machine.
27. Clear: This command is used to clear the screen of the current directory.
Hopefully Helpful buddy !!